In the News Articles
The Real Problem With Enron - 1/30/02
Revisionist History for a Revisionist's Future
- 2/6/02
Campaign Finance Scheming - 2/20/02
Bringing Out the Best . . . and Worst in Americans - 2/27/02
Express Yourself!
The BLEEP! Monologues - 3/7/02
Bush's Immigration Folly - 3/13/02
Blinded by the Leaves - 8/24/02
Politics/Social Issues

The Character Diminishing Characters
Let's Have Reparations for Stupidity - 9/19/02
Why Hate-crime Laws are Wrong
Profiling Profiling
Natural Schooling - 9/3/02
To Protect and Preserve? - 10/16/02

Media People for the Kid Gloves Treatment of PETA- 9/24/02
The Folly of Gun Control
A Foolproof Tax Plan
Turning America into a Tower of Babel - 10/24/02
We Just Don't Get it - 11/07/02
American In-Justices - 11/14/02
Federally Imposed Discrimination - 11/04/02
Counting Curses - 11/22/02
The Integrationists - 11/27/02
The Body Politic is Not Constitutionally Solid
The Barometer of Freedom - 9/9/02
The Moral Superiority of Capitalism 10/22/02
Saturday Morning Cartoons - 10/30/02
Why Women Earn Less - 11/6/02
Let's Apply Tolerance to the Pocketbook - 11/15/02

He Who Calls the Tune - 11/29/02
Compromising Our Way to Tyranny - 12/13/02
Pride Goeth Before the Fall - 12/23/02
The True Measure of Diversity -- 5/15/02
Smokin' Mad -- 4/21/02
A Good Walk Spoiled . . . for a Second Time - 4/09/03
Our Greatness Lies in . . . ? - 1/20/03 
Living a Deadly Lie - 1/02/03  
The Forgotten Moral Issue - 6/20/03
The Good, the Bad and the Ugly
           of Black America -- 7/01/03
A Baker Talking and Taking Heat - 7/11/03
Judicial Molestation of Legislative Rights - 7/22/03
Total Recall - 7/24/03
I am NOT a Girl! - 1/17/03
The Values Shell Game - 1/23/03
Committing Hari-Kerry -- 12/13/03
Misguided Passion about "The Passion" --  1/26/04
An Abusive Media's Tortured Coverage -- 5/26/04
The Kerry Files: A Young Opportunist's Handbook -- 8/19/04
Little Boy Sue: Legalized Theft and John Edwards -- 8/26/04
Assault on the Weapons Ban -- 9/12/04
What We Really Have to Fear From John Kerry -- 9/20/04
Al Gore, Stupidity and Stereotyping -- 9/21/04
It's the Liberalism, Stupid -- 11/11/04
The Re-whitewashing of Pedophile Alfred Kinsey -- 12/02/04
Descent into Darkness -- 06/27/03
Was Jesus a Liberal? -- 12/03/03
Duke is Wrong, Says Editor-in-Chief of Jewish Site "Kesher Talk," and Selwyn Duke Responds
And the Children Will Rule Over Them -- 12/15/04
Is America a Racist Country? -- 1/2/04
Free Speech?  You Bet, It Isn’t Worth a Dime -- 2/03/05
A Man's Home is Uncle Sam's Castle -- 6/30/05
Invisible Values -- 1/3/04
Where the Liberalism Hits the Road -- 3/30/04
Closing the Loop on Reparations -- 8/05/05
Who's Really Stealing Elections? -- 8/13/05
That Female Ego -- 6/3/04
The Thirteen Arrows -- 6/25/04
The Grieving Activist -- 8/14/05
Fighting the Man and Black Dogma -- 9/15/05
Cosmetics from Human Skin and Other Uses of Organic Robots -- 10/03/05
The Defense Against Tyranny Amendment -- 8/31/04
Exterminating White People -- 11/1/05
Shoot Rioters On Sight -- 11/08/05
The Reality About Legislating Morality -- 9/14/04
Speaking of Natalee Holloway -- 11/17/05
Of Price and Men -- 11/30/05